Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wilson's Critical Annotated Webliography

Guiding Q3: Is a cyborg queer? Discuss critical on the intersections between sexuality and technology

1. Miyake, Esperanza. “My, is that Cyborg a little bit Queer?”. Journal of International Women's Studies, Mar. 2004 Vol. 5, Issue 2: pp.53-61. 16 Mar. 2011. <>.

Inspired by the film, Blade Runner, Miyake was impressed by the cyborg female character, her essay tries to analyze and discuss about cyborg, queer theory with feminist issues.

The author mentions that the body generates various power(s). Such importance as suggested is ideal to alternate the body itself with machines in order to break masculinism.

Believably, language strongly affects reality because we (need to) communicate every day. Word plays an important role in relation to turning oneself into more cyborgtic to gain more power. The idea of cyborg challenges the patriarchal society. Furthermore, the advancement of technology nowadays could change human bodies.

Cyborg is unique as it has tries to make no distinction of class, gender and ethnicity…etc. I think cyborg in a way is described as strange, similar to what the author is talking about cyborg as being queer. All in all, having differences from from the male dominated world suggest escapism, the liberation of women and the promotion of feminism.

2. Kupczak, Tania. “So You Wanna Be A Cyborg Mommy? Queer Identity and the New Reproductive Technologies”. Domain Errors: Cyberfeminist Practices! Eds. M. Fernandez, F. Wilding and M. M. Wright. New York: Autonomedia 2002. 179-186. 16 Mar 2011. <>.

The author, Kupczak was amazed for the characteristic of cyborgs. To certain of extent, the author notes that we (humans) can be described as cyborg. Still, the gender issue seems to be lingering on with respect to cyborg identity.

How the society is organised is related to technology. Gradually, technologies like Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) help people (esp. queers) to have reproductively to create families of their own.

I reckon and as noted, the cyborg is “sexless” though it is often portrayed as female in popular culture. Cyborg is a hybrid of flesh and machine. Its Idenity to certain of extent overcomes/surpasses biology. Then it comes to a point on how to categories those people who are produced by ART? It ultimately challenges the family structure according to the patriarchal society.

Gay and lesbian couples still lack of support in family construction due to norms constucted by the “mainstream” society. Queer families often need to endure stereotyes by the maintreams as being the “other”. Unfortunately still, the law does not fully cover homosexual couples to the rights of bearing children. They do not share the same amount of treatments comparing to the heterosexuals. Thus, status of homosexuals in a way is still inferior. However, the existance of queer community welcomes to create families which the society has had prejudice on their family formation.

Undeniably, gay and lesbian couples or individuals who want to have children must often overcome the traditional system (heterosexual marriage) in order to have their wishes fulfilled. As suggested in this reading, the future of queers family and their children could be optimistic. As Kupczak states “…they no longer are pressured by the constraints of the nuclear family structure.” (Kupczak 2002, pp.186).

3. Boyle, Jen. “Sex and the Body in Technology” 27 Feb 2011. 15 Mar 2011. <>.

Boyle’s article sates that technology and body are closely connected. Technology helps is to know more our body. For example, the Human Genome Project helps people to learn more about the construction of the human body with the discovery of DNA sequences. Technology is this case helps us to prevent diseases.

Technology has great influence on human body. The advancement of technologies eventually leads to the possibility of human embodiment. Also, its pace of technology had put study on new height with the discovery of the ‘gay’ gene in 1990s. This greatly supports the existence of homosexuality. Because of impact of technology and that bring close to human body, nature and culture has needs to redefine. Sex could be cultural affected. The notion of sex selection did and I think still cause great impact to the society as to thinking whether this challenge the concept of being (biologically) natural.

To certain of extent, the tie between technology and body is tighter than ever before as time changes and that we use technology in our daily life. Overall, I think when technology affects our lives so much that is could facilitate or worsen our quality of life. It makes me think sometimes which party dominates the other? We control the technology and at the same time, is technology controlling us?

4. Halley, Drew. “The Future of Sex: Androids, VR, and the Orgasm Button”. Singularity Hub 20 May 2009. 15 Mar 2011. <>.

“The Future of Sex: Androids, VR, and the Orgasm Button” written by Drew Halley tells possibility of human sex life in the future with some imaginings. It suggests that we live in the “post-human” era, sex has shifted with technology.

Technology has always aimed to improve the quality of human life. In response to the possible changes in society owning to the influence in biological sex by technology, the author suggests that sexual norms will continue to shift just as they have throughout modern history, adaptive to our rapidly changing culture. The modern culture is the product of sexual display, as we use technology to express ourselves. For instance, “‘Facebook poke’ is a perfect example of a pseudo-sexual nod in the virtual world” (Halley). Somehow, people’s lives and sexuality often connect closely with technology.

Technology has been accompanying our lives. Overall, I think it will be interesting to see how technology will lead our sexuality in the future. I have the similar sense of thought with the author stating at the end “How will the sexual landscape of the future unfold? What pleasures – and dangers – await” (Halley).

5. Maheu, M.M. “The Future of Cyber-Sex and Relationship Fidelity: Cyborg Theory” SelfHelpMagazine 7 Mar 2011. 15 Mar 2011. <>.

This article written by Dr Maheu discusses the advancement of technology could come cross path with human sexuality. Thus, the interactions between these two will become more sophisticated.

Dr Maheu mentions the term, “Cyborgasm: Cyber-sex amongst multiple selves and cyborgs of the America Online Chat Rooms (AOL)” (Maheu). There is a case study Rebecca, who has likely been described as Cyborg as her sex life is undeniably tied to and dependent upon AOL chat rooms. All her sexual activities involve partners online. Personally, Rebecca’s boundary between the human and the machine has consequently been blurred due to her habit. The future filled with Cybersex could be possible as people are establishing intimate relationships and communities.

In my view, there is a phenomenon of people establishing relationships through internet (hearing experiences from some of my friends). I believe such phenomenon could continue when technology is becoming part of our lives. But could relationships established through the virtual world can last long concerning with less proximity between lovers? Would there be more denial and falsehood in the cyberspace since either party could behave differently from in reality - something that challenges our true identity, the true “you”?

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