hello everyone, I'm Danny. I have been using weblog since secondary school life. I changed my weblog several times, followng the trend. As well as using facebook now, the function of weblog for me is to share daily experience and feelings, express emotoion, release pressure and make freinds. However, as now I'm using blogger, I have found that blog can contribute to our learnings. Certainly, this is under the course requirement, which encouring (or should be "forcing") us to do. I admit that this is a useful strategy. The most useful element is that we can dicsuss the topics and questions of presentation. There are always inadequate time for discussion due to the enthusiasim of our calssmates and the quality of questions. DIscussion through brainstorming is the effective way of learning, owing to being inspired by others. Therefore, it is very good that We can continute discussing on the blog after lessons.
I think I'm entirely not a cyborg. None of my whole body consist of mechine. I have not inserted screw into my body as Jacky Can, and I don no wear glasses. I do not need mechine for supplementary.
I appreciate this course because I have contacted to a sphere that never learned. This course provides many issues that undoubtedly emerge in nowadays modern society, such as online communities, culture jamming, identity, etc. Those are valuable for research. On the other hand, however, this is the most difficult course I have studied. Sometimes I find it hard to understand and encode the meanings of some ideas. I have to spend much time on studying readings and finally still cannot understand entitely. Also, I always feel confusing and fear towards the difficult homeworks.
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