Saturday, April 30, 2011
Nicole's Reflection
In the course, I had learned much new different region knowledge, for example cyborg and Internet space. All course topics, I am always ignoring this aspect knowledge at before. It is because I don't like study horrible topic. When I first time to see the cyborg or 'we are family' picture, I feel horrible and uncomfortable. But, this course is leading me to thinking about the situation of world at now in the digital age. Therefore, It expands my thinking and expands my horizons.
Wilson's Reflection and Unit Evaluation
The use of blog is something déjà vu to me as I used to keep a blog myself when I was in secondary school. The Weblog not only act as a platform for us to leave comments for further discussion from tutorials, but it is also a place for people who prefer to express their opinions online. From my observation, the comments made by classmates are stimulating and in-depth.
So do I regard myself as a cyborg? Physically to some extent, I do, given that two metal plates had inserted at the joint of my lower jaw bone after the Jaw Alignment surgery in January two year ago. The surgery was to shorten my elongated lower jaw bone so that I could chew better when eating. The doctor told me that the metal plates were used to hold my jaw in the right position and it will stay there for the rest of my life. Mentally, we might consider ourselves as cyborg as many of us believably would feel something is missing if there are no machines around us. From mobile phones to transportation, technologies facilitate our life so much that we need to depend on it. Hence, they have become a kind of necessities nowadays. We are no doubt in an era which often described as the digital age.
In general, I find this unit difficult yet informative and interesting. Initially, I was worried whether I could get through the course. First week’s lecture was difficult and abstract with the background of Cyborg in relation to postmodern feminism and the idea of going beyond the dualism of nature/culture; body/mind; human/machines. Moreover, Haraway’s "Manifesto for Cyborgs" scares me off a bit because I wasn’t sure whether I could understand her magnificent theories behind it! What I like about this course though is to be able to know and understand some of the identity issues and problems in the cyberworld. Nonetheless, topics like Cyborg backdrop and Post-Humanism are tricky to understand and need time to digest. Fortunately, we are able to think critically on issues in the course through plentiful discussion in class and on the blog.
Alice's Reflective Post
After studying the course, I can tell that I am definitely a cyborg and so do many of you! As far as I know, cyborg is a being with both biological and artificial elements. Actually, the artificial elements are to supplement the inadequacies of the biological body. For instance, I suffer from short-sightedness and I have to wear glasses (an artificial tool) to supplement my insufficiency in eyesight. The use of Internet also complements the inconvenience in face-to-face communication. Therefore, it can be impossible for any individual to stay out from “cyborg” as long as he/she is a modern person.
All in all, although this course allows me to get in touch with something new, some concepts like "posthuman" that karen and kimi presented yesterday are quite difficult to grasp at the same time. I agree that it’s somehow quite challenging, same as what my friends have suggested below :>
Friday, April 29, 2011
Adrian's Evaluation*
Gordon's Self. Net Reflection Post
This is Gordon again and I am always happy to share with you how I feel throughout this course.
I would like to say this is computer technology that makes me know this course. I say this because when I did online registration with classmates, we found a course under "womn"? I did not know what it was at that time. Thinking it as something like woman, I looked forward to this course in the coming semester.
I have to say I had no idea of what the course was about in the first few weeks (maybe the concept it too difficult to me), however, after weeks of lectures and tutorials, I started to understand it more.
What I am interestd most in the course is the discussion part in the tutorial because it allows students to express themselves. I really like this part because what we have discussed are cloesly related to our society. It is also because of this part that makes me think the course is related to us.
Also, one thing I find interesting is that the course can show the double identity. What I mean here is that we students would post comments to the tutorial parts (blog I mean). However, our discussion just ends there and we will not mention that in daily life. This is funny but true. May be this is one of the imterpretation of being a cyborg?
I cannot exactly tell, after the course, that how cyborg I am. But what I can say is that I understand more about cyber world and using more cyber technology (just like what I am typing here and the assignments). This is very different from other courses but really, I enjoy it.
I understand very well those topics are only for me to start thinking how cyberworld is like. There are surely alot for me to explore. I would like to say even if I do not take this course, I am already in it.
This is nearly the end of the post and also the end of the semester. What I want to say finally is that course is very hard for me!(because this is the first course I really have to use computer to look for sources! I usually look for books in other courses. I need more training!)This makes me feel that this is not an easy task to complete this course. Well, as I am now doing the research essay, let me take this opportunity to once again experience my life in cyberspace!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Sue's Reflective Course Evaluation
In addition, regarding the whole unit, what I feel really excited and interesting is we can exchange our ideas online. Inside the room where both belong to us and the public, we can leave our own comments/feedbacks/as well as share news or videos at random (although we are forced to do so XD), this is really a brand new learning mode for me. However, the given concepts are in fact abstract. To be frank, I am sometimes confused to linger the unknowns. Moreover, the research essay FRUSTRATED me so much in terms of the guiding questions and the 50% weight. Yet, generally, I do think is an interesting but at the same time a challenging course.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Kimi & Karen's Presentation
1. Patricia Piccinini’s Profile
2. Introduction: Piccinini’s Worlds & Works
3. Still Life With Stem Cells
4. Message: Duty to care
5. Discussion
Thank you.
1. Piccinini stated that creatures all made from stem cells.
Do you think that the creatures made by Piccinini are similar with us, the living beings?
2. What is/are the pro(s) and con(s) of parthenogenesis?
3. Unlike Dr Frankenstein who grew to hate his creation and suffered the consequences;
Piccinini’s work “Waiting for Jennifer” shows the harmony between human and the products of technology.
What is the reason for the different treatments of Dr Frankenstein and the products of technology?
4. Some may think that the existence of “Young Family” is to provide sick, wealthy humans with organs and tissues.
What is your attitude toward this?
Do you think that human being is more superior to the others living being?
5. Genetic Engineering is useful in many areas, but one may also claim that this kind of work may disturb the laws of nature.
Should we continue the Genetic Engineering in the future?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Phoebe's Critical Annotated Webliography
1,Using humanoid robots to study human behavior
Christopher G. Atkeson, (2000) ‘Using humanoid robots to study human behavior' (accessed 15 March 2011)
This article is about using humanoid robots to study human behaviors. They are working on an easier way to program humanoid robots, potentially in other machines and computer systems, it is based on the human behaviors, including juggling three balls, learning a folk dance by observing a human perform and performing Tai Chi exercise in contact with a human various behaviors.
They use different types of primitives to generate full body movement. They are interested in how people and machines can learn from sensory information to acquire perceptual and motors skills. So, they are exploring neural networks, statistical learning and machines learning algorithms.
They are investigating three areas, supervised and unsupervised learning from demonstration and reinforcement learning. They are using a variety of motion capture systems to understand the psychophysics of human movement. Programming for humanlike behaviors in a humanoid robot is an important step toward understanding how the human brain generates behavior. I appreciate their innovation. To answer human and machine relationship very much.
They provided many professional technologies to text machines. The pictures showed let me know machines behavior are like human and it can do many things, therefore, machines have big contributions to the world.
2. The nature of indexing: how humans and machines analyze messages and texts for retrieval. Part I: Research, and the nature of human indexing
James D. Anderson, (2000) ‘The nature of indexing: how humans and machines analyze message and text for retrieval. Part I: Research, and the nature of human indexing’ (accessed 15 March 2011)
This article is about how humans and machines analyze messages and texts for retrieval. This article has many brain scientists, neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists to make progress in understanding how humans think.
There are two parts, the first part is critiques the comparative research, and then explores the nature of human analysis of messages or texts and efforts to formulate rules to make human practice more rigid and predictable. The second part is they focus on current methods in automatic indexing, its slow adoption by major indexing and hard to understand services, and way for allocating human and machines approaches.
These essays will apply modern methods of indexing both human and machine by indexing and abstracting services. It is a possible way for apportion both approaches for maximum benefit.
We can see them to quote different scholar paragraphs to analysis the survey of expert annotation on human intellectuals. The addition of numerical values doesn’t change the basic fact that the judgments of human indexers are still very subjective and their accurate basis is still very difficult to specify.
I also agree human thinking process is not equal to machines, although there are many index, not only use these indexes to manifestation human thinking process equal to machines, it is a very difficult and subjective thing.
3. The learning of perceptual-motor skills by men and machines and its relationship to training
Gaines, B. R. (1972) ‘The learning of perceptual-motor skills by men and machines and its relationship to training’ (accessed 15 March 2011)
This article is about experiments involving the training of both humans and learning machines under a variety of conditions described and analyzed. The main objective is investigated the feasibility and applicability of “teaching machines”, automatic training devices for perceptual skills.
There are many figures to explain the training process. It is possible to establish a theoretical basis for the study of learning and the investigation of training procedures which is independent of the learning device and the nature of the task to be learned.
At present it is possible to set up models of learning behavior in the human operator by appropriate adaptive controllers subject to the same physical constraints as the human. The experiments demonstrate the applicability of feedback training in the teaching of a novel perceptual motor skill, and the theory suggests that it will be generally applicable.
The integration of feedback training procedures, based on the variation of difficulty, with direct instruction through natural language, has a huge possible, not only in teaching perceptual motor skills, but also in training the operators and service engineers of specialist equipment, such as communication, navigation and computer systems.
If we can teach the machines to do something, I think it is a good innovation of the world. Because it can replace human to do the dangerous jobs and if we only teach the machine, its can help people to do something.
4. An approach to multi-modal human-machine interaction for intelligent service robots
Hans, Joachim B¨ohme, (2004) ‘An approach to multi-modal human-machine interaction for intelligent service robots’ (accessed 15 March 2011)
The article describes different plans about robots and human relationship. They want to invent many sensible robots to serve human. The robot is automatic and it can work in perplexity and crowded environments. For example, the robots are able to contact customers in their perimeter situation to provide services in customers. After tested in different scenarios, the robots are dependable. Still, they need to improve the sound and speech input and output systems.
The method was used to check the robots’ sound and speech systems. We can see the machines can serve human, it is very useful and convenient for human life. For example, robots can work in public places to serve human. Putting robots into service could attract many customers to go shopping.
It will be interesting and fun if more shops use robots services because, nowadays they need to innovate and need more technology to provide human life. Robots are high-tech products as they can work efficiently. Furthermore, when the technician set up a system, robot can speak a different language besides have a multiple function to do many things. Therefore we can always hear robots are like human.
5. A compact soft actuator unit for small scale human friendly robots
Tsagarakis, N.G. (2009) ‘A compact soft actuator unit for small scale human friendly robots’ (accessed 15 March 2011)
The article talks about the development of new robots in the future. There are innovations of automatic small robots to serve different audiences. For example, the robots can services at home.
These robots are suitable at home or small places because these robots are automatic, small, efficient, and work precisely on small chores.
The purpose of this work is very clear, useful and meaningful. The new robots can make establish good relationship between human and machine. Because robots can help human to do more, such as house cleaning and looking after their children, it can even have conversation with humans and serve customers in the stores, too! It is conveniences human life so much.
For me, I think it will be encouraging to see more innovation on small machines or robots, because they are easy to maintain and carry around. This article is different from previous article. These small robots are developed to better suit human needs. I think small robots are better than big robots.
Wilson's Critical Annotated Webliography
1. Miyake, Esperanza. “My, is that Cyborg a little bit Queer?”. Journal of International Women's Studies, Mar. 2004 Vol. 5, Issue 2: pp.53-61. 16 Mar. 2011. <>.
Inspired by the film, Blade Runner, Miyake was impressed by the cyborg female character, her essay tries to analyze and discuss about cyborg, queer theory with feminist issues.
The author mentions that the body generates various power(s). Such importance as suggested is ideal to alternate the body itself with machines in order to break masculinism.
Believably, language strongly affects reality because we (need to) communicate every day. Word plays an important role in relation to turning oneself into more cyborgtic to gain more power. The idea of cyborg challenges the patriarchal society. Furthermore, the advancement of technology nowadays could change human bodies.
Cyborg is unique as it has tries to make no distinction of class, gender and ethnicity…etc. I think cyborg in a way is described as strange, similar to what the author is talking about cyborg as being queer. All in all, having differences from from the male dominated world suggest escapism, the liberation of women and the promotion of feminism.
2. Kupczak, Tania. “So You Wanna Be A Cyborg Mommy? Queer Identity and the New Reproductive Technologies”. Domain Errors: Cyberfeminist Practices! Eds. M. Fernandez, F. Wilding and M. M. Wright. New York: Autonomedia 2002. 179-186. 16 Mar 2011. <>.
The author, Kupczak was amazed for the characteristic of cyborgs. To certain of extent, the author notes that we (humans) can be described as cyborg. Still, the gender issue seems to be lingering on with respect to cyborg identity.
How the society is organised is related to technology. Gradually, technologies like Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) help people (esp. queers) to have reproductively to create families of their own.
I reckon and as noted, the cyborg is “sexless” though it is often portrayed as female in popular culture. Cyborg is a hybrid of flesh and machine. Its Idenity to certain of extent overcomes/surpasses biology. Then it comes to a point on how to categories those people who are produced by ART? It ultimately challenges the family structure according to the patriarchal society.
Gay and lesbian couples still lack of support in family construction due to norms constucted by the “mainstream” society. Queer families often need to endure stereotyes by the maintreams as being the “other”. Unfortunately still, the law does not fully cover homosexual couples to the rights of bearing children. They do not share the same amount of treatments comparing to the heterosexuals. Thus, status of homosexuals in a way is still inferior. However, the existance of queer community welcomes to create families which the society has had prejudice on their family formation.
Undeniably, gay and lesbian couples or individuals who want to have children must often overcome the traditional system (heterosexual marriage) in order to have their wishes fulfilled. As suggested in this reading, the future of queers family and their children could be optimistic. As Kupczak states “…they no longer are pressured by the constraints of the nuclear family structure.” (Kupczak 2002, pp.186).
3. Boyle, Jen. “Sex and the Body in Technology” 27 Feb 2011. 15 Mar 2011. <>.
Boyle’s article sates that technology and body are closely connected. Technology helps is to know more our body. For example, the Human Genome Project helps people to learn more about the construction of the human body with the discovery of DNA sequences. Technology is this case helps us to prevent diseases.
Technology has great influence on human body. The advancement of technologies eventually leads to the possibility of human embodiment. Also, its pace of technology had put study on new height with the discovery of the ‘gay’ gene in 1990s. This greatly supports the existence of homosexuality. Because of impact of technology and that bring close to human body, nature and culture has needs to redefine. Sex could be cultural affected. The notion of sex selection did and I think still cause great impact to the society as to thinking whether this challenge the concept of being (biologically) natural.
To certain of extent, the tie between technology and body is tighter than ever before as time changes and that we use technology in our daily life. Overall, I think when technology affects our lives so much that is could facilitate or worsen our quality of life. It makes me think sometimes which party dominates the other? We control the technology and at the same time, is technology controlling us?
4. Halley, Drew. “The Future of Sex: Androids, VR, and the Orgasm Button”. Singularity Hub 20 May 2009. 15 Mar 2011. <>.
“The Future of Sex: Androids, VR, and the Orgasm Button” written by Drew Halley tells possibility of human sex life in the future with some imaginings. It suggests that we live in the “post-human” era, sex has shifted with technology.
Technology has always aimed to improve the quality of human life. In response to the possible changes in society owning to the influence in biological sex by technology, the author suggests that sexual norms will continue to shift just as they have throughout modern history, adaptive to our rapidly changing culture. The modern culture is the product of sexual display, as we use technology to express ourselves. For instance, “‘Facebook poke’ is a perfect example of a pseudo-sexual nod in the virtual world” (Halley). Somehow, people’s lives and sexuality often connect closely with technology.
Technology has been accompanying our lives. Overall, I think it will be interesting to see how technology will lead our sexuality in the future. I have the similar sense of thought with the author stating at the end “How will the sexual landscape of the future unfold? What pleasures – and dangers – await” (Halley).
5. Maheu, M.M. “The Future of Cyber-Sex and Relationship Fidelity: Cyborg Theory” SelfHelpMagazine 7 Mar 2011. 15 Mar 2011. <>.
This article written by Dr Maheu discusses the advancement of technology could come cross path with human sexuality. Thus, the interactions between these two will become more sophisticated.
Dr Maheu mentions the term, “Cyborgasm: Cyber-sex amongst multiple selves and cyborgs of the America Online Chat Rooms (AOL)” (Maheu). There is a case study Rebecca, who has likely been described as Cyborg as her sex life is undeniably tied to and dependent upon AOL chat rooms. All her sexual activities involve partners online. Personally, Rebecca’s boundary between the human and the machine has consequently been blurred due to her habit. The future filled with Cybersex could be possible as people are establishing intimate relationships and communities.
In my view, there is a phenomenon of people establishing relationships through internet (hearing experiences from some of my friends). I believe such phenomenon could continue when technology is becoming part of our lives. But could relationships established through the virtual world can last long concerning with less proximity between lovers? Would there be more denial and falsehood in the cyberspace since either party could behave differently from in reality - something that challenges our true identity, the true “you”?
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Reflection: Jamming
This video is concern about the IPhone makes people ignore other, including peoples and things. The creator create little boy and peoples sitting in the MTR and focus on the IPhone. Nobody wants to talk with others and the little boy. Thus, the MTR is very quiet. We can listen the footsteps clearly. The little boy wants to play with others, but all people still ignore him and continue focus on IPhone. The little boy wants to take others attention, he plays in the MTR, but no one pay attention to the little boy. Then, the little boy is very angry and disappointment about this.
Nowadays, IPhone is a commonly product. All of people like to play in the free time. MTR is the most easily to see people focus on their IPhone. They always ignore other people what they happen. And they also do not communicate with other people. Even their friends stand or sit with them, and then they also concentrate on the IPhone's game.
High technology makes society becomes quiets and coolness. People only concentrate on IPhone. They do not communicate with others; even people are stand or sit with them. The face-to-face communication skill may effect by this culture. It is because people only communicate on the Internet. And this culture change relation between people. This generation, the relations between people move to the Internet. It is because people do not built the relation in the real world, they only communicate in the Internet. It may be make people do not know built up the relation in the real world at the end.
To conclude, technology development suppose make people have more way to build up the relation between others. However, it makes people only focus on the Internet, they ignore everything, like talk with others. The most importantly, the relation between people to people become coolness and strange.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Gordon and Phoebe's Presentation ( II: Work and Play)
Ya, the flow also includes some videos and links for you all to have a look first so that we can have a smooth discussion on Thursday!
Presentation Agenda
1.Introduction of background of the Topic
2.Summary of the First Reading 'Forward From Quake Girls to Desperate Housewives: A Decade of of Gender and Computer Games' by Henry Jenkins and Justine Cassell
A. In the Game 'Street Fighter', there are two main characters, Ryu and Chun Li. Does it reflect gender stereotype?
Link: Street Fighter accessed on 17/4/2011
B. In some game exhibitions, we can see that most buyers tend to be male while sellers and promoters are female. We can even see there are 'Miss Games' in those exhibitions. Does it mean that males are still users while females are only servers?
Link: Girls of the Taipei Game Show 2011 accessed on 17/4/2011
C. In 'Computer Games for Girls: What Makes Them Play?', it says that ''Male-games are likely to have more rules but female games are not". (Subrahmanyam and Geenfield , 1998, pp.64-65) Does it mean that more rules are preferable in cyber world?
D. In 'Computer Games for Girls: What Makes Them Play?', it shows that the pattern of playing is different that boys "like to play together while female like to play as an individual?" Does it reflect minority? .(Subrahmanyam and Greenfield, 1998, p. 60)
E. Angry Bird is very popular now. It is combined with male violence (attacking the pigs) and female caring (protecting the eggs). Is it a successful example of blurring gamers?
Links: Angry Birds accessed on 17/4/2011
Angry Birds & the Mighty Eagle accessed on 17/4/2011
"Angry Birds" Rovio Mobile. 2010. 17.April. 2011.
"Angry Birds & the Mighty Eagle" video extract from youtube 10 Sep. 2010. 17.April, 2011.
Cassell, I. and Jenkins, H.(1998) From Barbie to Mortal Kombat Gender and Computer Games: ''computer games for girls: what makes them play?" American: MIT Press.
"Girls of the Taipei Game Show 2011" video extract from youtube, 18 Feb. 2009. 17.April, 2011.
Jenkins, H. and Cassell, J. (2008) Forward: From Quake Girls to Desperate Housewives: "A Decade of Gender and Computer Games" Cambridge MA: MIT Press.
"Street Fighter" CAPCOM ENTERTAINMENT. 2008. 17.April, 2011.
Enjoy the Presentation on Thursday and take part actively in Discussion! See you!
Phoebe Reflection on Culture Jamming
Above are video clips about Culture Jamming. They are always found in mass media, because they believe media can effectively send out the message and easy to let people understand. For me, I very appreciate Cultural Jamming products very much and I think designing Culture Jamming products are very meaningful and creative.
Firstly, the videos suggest people are lazy and the only thing they are interested is food. The videos want to make people to understand what they should do or eat concerning with health issues to avoid wrong actions to their bodies. For example, the first video clip show us don’t eat much fast food and junk food, it would harmful our healthy and affect our life. Many famous shops in the world sell junk food and fast food. It is very delicious and always convenience our life, but junk foods and fast foods cannot provide us nutrition to maintain a healthy body.
If we always eat junk food, it will lead us to obesity. As a result, we are more likely to have coronary heart disease, sleep apnea, breast cancer and so on. People need to go to hospital and see the doctor to take medicines or do operation to solve health problems.
The second video clip shows the words “move to good foods before too late”. It is reminding us to change our diet habits quickly. Because of keep a long period to eat junk foods and fast foods would be harmful for the body. The video shows that some obese people can’t pick up the apple on the floor. As we can see the video clips want to tell us that being healthy is the most important thing.
Overall, it is hard to say whether Culture Jamming affects or not affect the business and the economy development. Ultimately, are they good or bad video clips?
Friday, April 15, 2011
Gordon's Reflection Online (About Bullying)
Link: (accessed on 16/4/2011)
I would like to share with you online bully which I think it is greatly related to our course. I would like to mention each point the following area.
The first one is that how accurate it is to say people nowadays have a higher of level of 'cyborg-like'? In my opinion, I think the answer is yes. This is becasuse there are more and more people using computers. I do not mean to say that only young children will have a wider exposure to the cyber world. But what I emphasize is that when they grow up, as future leaders, the whole society will be more like a cyber. Therefore, I think more people will 'cybory-like'.
Another point I would to share is that there are more and more people doing what they want to do online and those things seem immoral in dialy lives. We learn from the course that 'racism, sexism and rape', are going to be more and more in cyberworld. Bullying, in this news, serves the same function. The reason for it is that people actually have many to be in their mind, but they are not allowed to do it in real world. However, they can do it in virtual world, so we can see there is not only increase in accessing online, but there is also a higher tendency of people doing immoral things.
The news also shows education is important. I think it is true and , as in our class discussion, it can be a very meaningful term. But , my question is how effective can it be? There are indeed many programes and courses teaching what online ethics and online behaviours. I also had some of these courses in my school. In those course, the learners tend to be a very obedient and good students. This may show the program is effective.
However, what I like to say that the answer is no. When we go online, we see numerous temptations like what we learn from the course, and we are taught of rejecting them. There are usually two options 'I accept' and ' I do not' . This is actually testing the online ethics. Well, as you press ' I accept', this web can simply allow you to asset to the area. From this, I would to like to two weaknesses. The first one the education fails to educate the users. If it is successful , users will not accpet and enter. The second thing is about the technological failure, because when users click 'accept', the web opens the door with any checking. This is actually a big loophole.
For me, to further improve the situation, The web should further check the status of the users and block the use of the web when they are not qualified. This can also be viewed as a punishment of breaking the rule.
Pareting, stated in the news, is important and I agree with it. This is because users will usually use computers at home to do those things. If the parents use their authority and set as a good example to educate the teenagers. The level of doing bad things are likely to decline. You may argue they may go to some New Bars to do it, but if they are well educated, the chance is not high.
Although it is a piece of oversea news, I think it is true to say Hong Kong shares similar situation because Hong Kong has a high access to computers too. If Hong Kong can practise those policies effective, I think Hong Kong will be a good place for computer usage. Therefore, in conlcusion, the news inspires me that, online bullying, which I think is a kind of unethical matter, should be solved mostly in parenting and education, of course, the computer website itself and everyone should have his/her own role!
danny's reflection on cyborg
This is a news taeeling about the successful experiment in important process of manufacturing a cyborg by indian researchers. They succeed in constructing the biological memristor filling with human blood held at 98.6 Fahrenheit (37 Celsius) into which two electrodes are inserted. Then they produce proper measuring instrustmentation. after that, there is successful demonstration of memristor with blood. Their aim is to produce circuitry linking human tissues and nerve cells with electronic devices. This may come true in the future soon.
people has been creating and imagining the emergence and image of cyborgs. This experiment reveals that this may become real very soon. This is an important breakthrough of technology. People may feel exciting toeards cyborgs. There may be some critical questions and problems that emerge at the same time. First, is it human or machine? Certainly a cyborg is a combination of organism and machine. However sometimes there must be classification between either machine or organism. A cyborg may have blood and electronic devices. Therefore, creating the boundary and definition is a harsh task. If it is regarded as “human liked” or “having human characteristics”, then, are there should be problems of ethnic, race, sex, rights and duty? Who are responsible for judgement?
Then, what is the aim to producing cyborgs and what is the function of cyborgs?
Someone may say that cyborg can do what human can do and also cannot do. It can be alternative of human when doing something that human is no able to do. For example, go into the scene of accident or hazards for rescue. It may also be the subject of experiment for medical use.
On the other hand, it may also replace human for abundant normal work. This affect the labour market and thus bring deep impact to society in a large extent.
In conclusion, people have been waiting for the emergence of cyborgs and this seems close to success. However, people must thing more and rationally about the related problems brought by cyborgs, and also cyborgs’ problems produced by human.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
kimi's reflection on the usage of social network sites
This news stated that a father-of-four, Hywel Dance, has set up a safer social networking site named ‘South Wales Kids’ worked by the school and youth clubs in United Kingdom last year for children who are under 18. He established this website because he was inspired by his son when seeing him use the Facebook. He was afraid that the children would be cheated by people who use fake identities on the Internet. This website received great feedbacks form both the users and parents. It had become popular among children and schools. The site has already got 656 members and is planning to promote this site across the United Kingdom by using the website name, ‘Great British Kids’.
The safety of using the social network sites have been a tough question among the parents. They think that people on the Internet usually use the imitated identities with hidden purposes. Thus, the parents are afraid that their children will be tricked by these villains. In my point of view, I think that Mr. Dance set up this website can provide a relatively safer social network site for children to navigate. This is because this website required joined schools’ verification of the users. The Parents and schools can be more relieved if their children use the ‘South Wales Kids’ instead of other social network sites. It has been long suggested mothers bear the responsibility as the moral guardian over children surfers, but I am convinced that fathers should also perform to their part of duty. The parents should teach their children not to lie on the Internet and do not trust the strangers easily. Not only the bad-manner strangers are blamed for the poor social network safety, parents should also share the responsibilities to teach the correct usage by the children over the sites.
Reflection: Cyberstalking and Facebook Places
The above clip I have chosen is a News Channel feature report about a new Facebook application called Places. It is a useful app for users to check into locations and meet up with friends. Places users can share their favourite restaurants or saloons with their friends. Linkage between person and person can be tightened. For corporations and companies, the app allows them to promote their business by offering discounts through Facebook.
In my opinion, there is no doubt that new online applications provide convenient ways for people to enhance their lives with higher degree of efficiency and effectiveness. For Melissa Gallagher’s example, more Internet users learn of the shop and discount via the app. The promotional purpose can be achieved at a faster speed and for a wider network. However, the loopholes these new apps have brought about cannot be neglected. It is, at the same time, cyberstalking is promoted as it is easier for other people to locate or track down the users’ whereabouts. As a result, more problems regarding privacy come out. Criminal offenses like burglary might increase as people including strangers know that the person is not at the house, as suggested in the News Channel.
Some people suggest that laws and legislations can solve the problem of cyberstalking. In some countries, laws have been set up to deal with the problem. However, I personally think that there are problems regarding legislations. Firstly, the law can be enacted in the jurisdiction where the message was sent from or where it was received. Nonetheless, not many countries have set up laws against cyberstalking. With the open nature of the Internet, it is somehow hard to enforce and prohibit. Secondly, the crime is difficult to prosecute as it is hard to prove who sent the message. Net users can hide their IP address or even use a fake one. It is also time consuming to track any person down. The existing legislations have too many loopholes to be improved.
Before legislation can help, the only thing to be done to minimize problems of cyberstalking is to make wise decision for individuals. Users should be aware of how much of their information to be put out on the Net. Only in this way can privacy of individuals be protected and convenience be enjoyed at the same time.
Karen's Reflection on Cyber Stalking
This article mentioned that the opportunity to target someone on the Internet is becoming limitless when more and more people going online. The range of cyber-stalking is very wide but most of the (regular) stalkers want to do is intimidate and control their victims. And the Internet provides a way / means for them to find out the victims’ information easily.
Another thing that this article mentioned is America states are attempting to deal with the problem of cyber-stalking and California enacted a set of new stalking laws in 2009. The law can invoke to protect people from cyber-stalking, such as posting others’ information illegal or sending threatening email. Prior to California’s anti-cyberstalking laws, the crime was difficult to prosecute that local law is not feasible for these kind of crimes, then the victims could only keep patience to the harassments.Because of the technology development, Internet becomes a part of our daily life. It lets our life become more convenient undoubtedly, but it also causes many crimes. As the article mentioned, cyber-stalking is one of them. To deal with this problem, I think we need to clearly know what is the relation of the stalker and victim. The first type is the stalker know the victim in real-life, maybe after a couple separate, one of them try to harass his/her ex-lover. The second one is they only know each other in virtual world but not real-life.
The second one is easier to prevent that people need to be careful, don’t reveal their personality information online, or use two accounts that one is public and the other one is private. Such as Facebook, it is necessarily to set the privacy setting to only access for friends. However, choosing who is friend is also a consideration also. Besides, use at least two email accounts that also one for public and one for privacy is a method to prevent cyber-stalking, too. Use the public email for registering some forums or online services and the private one for someone you can trust.The first one is more difficult to prevent that the stalker has the victim’s information already. So an appropriate law is necessarily nowadays. But in the case of Hong Kong, it seems it don’t have any laws for cyber-stalking. I think Hong Kong government need to update and modify Hong Kong’s law regularly like America; otherwise, the victims will keep increase only.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
the topic is online communities. Here is the agenda.
1. Summary of the reading
“The Virtual Community”
2. Definition of online community
3. Reasons of growth
4. Example of online community
5. Impact on society
6. Discussion
here are the dicsussion questions :
Does this suggest that people are turning the virtual community into a social entity, beyond its original informational purposes?
As virtual communities become more “real” nowadays, since there are some extent of concretization and formalization, new question emerge, are virtual communities still virtual?
What is “virtual” and “real” ?
What is the boundary?
How to define?
Example :
Should the websites (online communities and SNSs )bear the responsibilities of the “wrong” summary declared by member, in terms of different political or religious standpoint?
Then , should the websites create rules and restriction, or remain open and fair to all ideas?
Q4 (a typical question but not yet discussed in class)
If people has serious addiction to online community and this is further developed progressively in the future, is this good or bad?
Are there any problems to the society?
If yes, do you have any suggestion?
thank you for all of your meaningful opinion and various disctinive ideas in class and here =)
Adrian's Reflection on Cyber Bullying
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
News Reflection on Anorexic women targeted by 'super-skinny' porn websites
When these women posted their photos online, their privacy is no longer private. The photos presumably supporting for pro-anorexia websites consequently turned into sexual gratification for the perverts. Women suffering anorexia should be vigilant when posting their photos for health advice on the internet. Meanwhile, education is important in reducing such crimes. Ultimately, the perpetrators or rather, the “perverts” should be prosecuted at all cause!
Hobbs, N. “Anorexic women targeted by 'super-skinny' porn websites” The Guardian 6 April 2011. 12 April 2011. <>.
Source of Image
"Anorexic-back-007." Photograph. “Photo in the News: Anorexic women targeted by 'super-skinny' porn websites.” The Guardian. 6 April 2011. 12 April 2011. <>
Reflection of man-made heart news
This article mentions that researchers and professors have developed a newly and revolutionary method to build up blood vessels within the tissue of artificial man-made heart muscle. Experiments and trials have resulted in significant improvement in heart function. Since there are more and more people suffer from heart disease, it is necessary to develop a method to solve the problem. In this study, the researchers were successful in raising the amount of vascularization throughout the implanted sections. Further, the tissue engineered remained viable even after the implantation period that still maintaining cardiac’s function.
However, there is something we must alert. Although the man-made cardiac tissues are succeed in improving the function, it challenges the moral standard that the boundary between mechanical and physical product. It is no doubt that the boundary becomes more blurred when compared with the past. In contrast, does it mean that we can give up moral standard when facing difficulties? Since the society improved from time to time, the technology does help us a lot in solving daily problems. It can be said that technology facilitates and improves human standard of living. At the same time, it also challenges some traditional thoughts. As the result, the invention of cyborg is a effective solution to help us dealing with the boundary. The difference between human and robot is no longer controversial issue and ground for a break through to further development.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Reflection on Zombie Cyborg Beetles
This video, “starring” a cyborg beetle, is found in ( It is an experiment held by Michel Maharbiz who is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California. The working principle is namely to implant insects with electrodes designed to stimulate their neurons as well as the nerve cells that enervate their muscles. Besides, the beetle is “functioned” via radio signals between the insect and a hacked Nintendo Wii remote.
First watching this approximately one minute video clip, I found it very interesting as the beetle acts as if a remote control aircraft. However, once I saw the following comment posted on Youtube, I soon ponder deeply on the issue of animal rights. “Sad to see insects being controlled out of their free, the insect is more or less in a dead state because it can’t use its brain anymore.”
I am just wondering what is the significant to turn animals/insects into a cyborg. And what on earth we, human race, can determine the living right of animals. It seems that we would like to expand our advanced technology to a frontier because human has already “played” enough. On one hand, technologies bring a new world where there are improvements around-the-clock convenient for us. On the other hand, it probably strangles the rights of the inferior, namely the animals. So, “Be or not to be (keep on developing new technologies)? There is a question,” this is worthwhile to have a further discussion to this topic. =)